Services Available
Coaching Sessions At Your Property
* Horses are environment specific learners (when horses learn in a particular environment, initially, the newly learned behaviour will only be practiced in that place). That's why the best place to start is where the horses feels most comfortable, at your property before adding new environments.
* It takes on average 5 different environments before a new behaviour becomes possible in any environment (generalised).
* I offer single or multiple sessions. Regular sessions are the best way of shaping new behaviours and addressing any challenges encountered. Long term benefits occur with regular training and practice.
* To gain the maximum from our sessions Equitation Science International has a short course (approximately 1hr) that provides knowledge about horses how they function and learn. As a client you receive 30% off of this course which provides invaluable information that will help you to understand your horse and apply training to your horse much more effectively. (See ' Useful Links and Downloads' page.)